Executive Coaching

Executive positions are extremely challenging today, with the competing stakeholders and multi-generational workforces, each with their own style and interests.  The demands on your leaders has never been greater to deliver results, motivate personnel, balance their own personal and professional lives and many times participate in community philanthropic events.  Human resource guidelines and social media add new dimensions that many before them did not face.  So how do today’s leader know how to manage that minefield.  By utilizing a coach.

A coach is not a mentor.  A mentor is one who has been through experiences and can offer advice on how they faced situations.  Coaching is about helping the leader uncover the solution.  As your coach, I will be ask the tough probing questions to get at the specific situation and uncover solutions that fit your leadership style and personality characteristics.  Because, each situation is different and each requires a unique solution.

I offer coaching in two formats:

  1. Individual Coaching -- private one-on-one confidential sessions where together we will develop a strategic and tactical plan for you to gain clarity on the challenges and solutions that will work in those circumstances
  2. Group coaching – they say two-heads are better than one, and a properly facilitated small group session yields the best answers. We will explore the group’s interaction and dynamics to uncover solutions to raise their performance or create solutions like a think-tank to problems the organization is facing.

Call me or fill out the form below and I will contact you so we can create the most effective plan to move forward.